From Games To Bookstores: The Future Is Wide Open

A couple of weeks ago I announced that Hip Diggs will not be creating an online course for 2017. So what will Hip Diggs be doing other than publishing consistent, high-quality content? Games? Contests? A bookstore? I’m glad you asked. I have a couple of ideas, but I wanted to run them by you first.

Finding The Right Balance

If you want to learn why I decided to cancel the online course, click here. The short of it is this: I’m trying to keep Hip Diggs and my own life simple. Everything I take on adds more to my plate. One promise I made early on at Hip Diggs was to practice what I preach. Starting an online course feels like it could become too much at this time. 

Still, I want Hip Diggs to become a site that can be more helpful to more people who are trying to simplify their lives. So I’ve been brainstorming ideas. I’ve come up with four possibilities.

Let The Games Begin

  1. Become a multiple-author blog: I get several requests each month from writers who want to offer guest posts for Hip Diggs. So far, I’ve said, “No.” I like the simplicity of being a sole-author blog. It keeps things consistent. Still, I won’t disregard the idea completely. In fact, if you’ve already established your name in the area of simple living or minimalism, feel free to contact me about the possibilities of writing a post for Hip Diggs.  
  2. Start an Amazon bookstore: I’m going to level with you. I don’t make a dime from operating this site. I don’t advertise. I don’t use affiliates. I don’t sell products. I operate Hip Diggs because I believe in spreading the idea of simple living. However, I would like to create some residual income at Hip Diggs in the future. Becoming an Amazon affiliate would allow me to pick and choose books and products that promote simple living and minimalism. Sounds like a win-win to me.
  3. Have regular contests: I used to give away books on my blog a few years ago. I enjoyed that. Later this year I’ll be publishing a new ebook called, Finding Our Way Back Home: Reclaiming A Sense Of Peace In A Chaotic World. I’ve already written a few free ebooks. This time, I’ll be charging a small price: $1.99. I could work with Amazon to create a contest to give away copies. That might be fun.    
  4. Create games that encourage simple living: I’ve occasionally questioned The Minimalists for turning minimalism into a game. Will games have any kind of lasting effect on those who play them? Or will people get rid of 100 things just to go out and buy more? I’m not sure I have a solid answer to that question. But anything that gets people thinking about simple living must be a good thing. I’ll be considering creating some minimalist games for 2017.

Your Turn: What Would You Like To See At Hip Diggs

I’ve also toyed with the idea of starting a podcast or video series. Again, those both feel like pretty big tasks. I have to keep my own core values in mind. I want to keep my own life simple. Still, I’m open to ideas.

What do you think? What would you like to see happen at Hip Diggs in the near future? Games? Contests? A bookstore? A podcast? I appreciate your input. Would you please take a minute to leave a comment below?

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James Ewen
Articles: 362