
3 Quick Fixes You Need To Give Up: Fast Food, Pornography, And God

We all have our weaknesses. I’m no exception. I’ve struggled with many things throughout life: alcohol, diet, fear, and more. Did you ever notice that some of our greatest weaknesses are really just quick fixes for something else? Believe it or not, fast food, pornography, and God have a lot in common.

We All Have Weaknesses

I’m going to be honest with you. I slip and slide from time to time with my diet. Last summer, I found myself sliding back into eating too much fast food. And at the risk of losing some of you, I’ve also got to confess: I’ve viewed online pornography in the past. Before you click away, let me explain:

Today’s culture preaches instant gratification. We see it everywhere we look: TV, billboards, online. It screams from every screen and corner:

Come and get me! I’ve got what you need. I’m ready for you, now!

But there’s a price involved, and I’m not talking about money. Each time we give into a quick fix of instant gratification, we weaken ourselves. The next quick fix becomes easier. Our will power and our conscience becomes weaker. We slowly get sucked into an addictive habit.  

Fast Food, Pornography, And God

  1. Fast Food: Life gets busy. It’s easy to grab a cheeseburger on the way to the next meeting. But one cheeseburger often leads to another, and then… pizza. I’m a single dad. I work full-time. Life gets hectic. Last summer, I found myself grabbing fast food for Annie and myself. At first, it was just every couple of weeks. But within a couple of months we were eating out once or twice a week. The instant gratification became too hard to resist. Fortunately, I was able to catch myself and get back into a healthy-eating routine with the new school year. 
  2. Pornography: Okay, I know this is a touchy subject, but it’s out there. It’s everywhere. When I was a high-school kid, I remember sneaking into my best friend’s garage and looking at his dad’s old Playboy magazines. Now, anybody can access what used to be considered hardcore porn at the click of a mouse. I’m a single guy. It can be lonely. So what’s wrong with a little porn? Everything! It degrades women. It promotes lust instead of love. It’s another quick fix. It’s instant gratification for lustful desire. And the more you view it, the more you desire. After my divorce in 2006, I found myself getting caught in this cycle. There was only one way out:
  3. God: God is not a quick fix. Unfortunately, our culture often treats God as a quick fix. Pray. Read your Bible. You’ll get healed. But if someone struggles, they must be beyond God’s help. They’re rebellious. They abuse grace. They’re one of the unsaved.

God Is Not A Band-Aid Fix

Really? I think that’s a crock. God works in God’s time, not ours. We too often treat God like a band-aid. Slap it on and you’ll be all better. I call foul. God works within us to help us make changes. Those changes might take two weeks or ten years. God decides. If someone has a serious problem, they should also seek professional counseling.

None of these should be taken lightly. The first two are quick fixes for our own human gluttony and lust. We want to fill our stomachs and fulfill our passions. Both can lead to repetitive and addictive-like behaviors. The third, God, is not a quick fix, but rather a method of prevention, or a cure. God is not instant gratification, but God can be constant gratification. The next time you think about pizza or porn, try focusing on God’s spirit within you. But if you still give in, know that God is still working. Always. Because perhaps, in the end, everything is spiritual

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James Ewen
Articles: 362