All Things Within Reason: A Poem

Occasionally, I like to include a bit of my poetry at Hip Diggs. Today, I share a poem that includes some of my thoughts and feelings about minimalism and finding the balance within extremes. 

Photo by Dan Erickson

All Things Within Reason

Did I bite off too much, chew too many times?

Is my heart too full, or too empty for the season?

Did I throw away too much of my past, I asked,

or did I do all things within reason?

Too often we go to extremes, following trends,

we want to break out when we only need to bend.

We push too hard for more and more, or maybe less,

forgetting that it’s love, and life itself that leaves us blessed.

Along the water in the mist the color turns to black and white.

The night blends with the day and the day into the night.

So I turned away from the expectations of a consumer culture,

like a criminal driven by some form of minimalistic treason.

Still, I must question my motivations once again:

Have I done all things within reason?

Breathe slowly, walk briskly, love endlessly, live thoughtfully,

find the balance within the extremes of each season.

Give yourself to the moment without selling yourself short,

and do all things within reason.

* * *

If you’d like to read more of my poetry or fiction, or listen to some of my music, you can learn more about my creative works by going to my other blog @ You can also check out my Amazon Page.

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Dan Erickson


Dan Erickson

Dan Erikson is the passionate voice behind Hip Diggs, where he explores the art of living simply and intentionally. With a keen eye for minimalism and its profound impact on our lives, Dan delves into topics ranging from decluttering spaces to decluttering the mind. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep appreciation for the minimalist ethos, he offers readers practical insights and actionable steps to embrace a more meaningful, clutter-free life. When he's not penning down his thoughts on Hip Diggs, Dan enjoys the serenity of nature, reading, and exploring the nuances of simple living in a complex world.

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