Discover The Value Of White Space

Understanding the concepts of simple living lends itself well to many areas of our lives. Take writing, for instance, choosing the right words is important. We need to be specific and accurate. The spaces we leave matter, too. White space can improve the impact of our message. White space creates visual appeal.

White Space Adds Value To Your Messages

You may have noticed that I love space at Hip Diggs. I don’t have a cluttered sidebar. I don’t have noisy advertisements, fancy headers or popups. I believe that the space you leave between your points is as important as the words themselves. White space is part of the message.

Does your website reflect your brand? Since your website is the hub of your marketing, the look of your website is most likely the first thing your customers and prospects will experience. And, what they see will have a profound effect on what they do and the perception of what they think of your company and your brand. – Murray Sye, White Space

I Want Readers To Enjoy Their Experience

I want you to feel at peace when you read my posts. I don’t want you to get frustrated with popups and blinded by loud ads. It’s part of my culture to offer you quality content without the clutter. I believe that people are getting tired of the clutter and that there’s a need for a fresh alternative. 

Have you considered the visual appeal of your messages? Clean space offers peace and balance. Space helps readers to focus on the message. That’s what you want. Your words become more powerful when your design offers white space.

Lack of white space is a common problem in amateur designs. Design is a means of communicating information, and when amateurs attempt to convey a message through design, their natural inclination is to spread out the content evenly to fill the space, without giving much thought to the potential of well-organized white space.

White space can affect the user’s behavior as much, if not more, than the actual content on the page. White space guides the user’s eyes in the intended direction, creates contrast and makes a lasting impression. – Web Designer Depot

5 Reasons To Use More White Space

White space allows for more creativity: When we use extra space it opens up our palette. The space allows us to be more creative with our words. It gives us space to bring words to life.

White space attracts the eyes: Cluttered spaces make people nervous. Retail stores have discovered that space keeps customers in the store longer. The longer customers stay, the more likely they will buy. On the page white space is relaxing. Readers are more likely to stay. That’s what you want.

White space creates balance and harmony: We all need more balance and harmony in our lives. Enough said. 

White space improves readability: We want people to read our work. Too much clutter makes our writing harder to read. It distracts. Do you really want to distract your reader?

White space is elegant: If you appreciate the beauty of an ocean, a sunset, or mountain vista, you understand. Space, used effectively, is beautiful. 

You should pay close attention to your content. Your words are important. But your content includes everything on your page. Pictures, drawings, colors and advertisements are all part of your content. The space you leave between your words is part of your message. Leave a little space and help your readers feel at ease.

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Dan Erickson

Dan Erikson is the passionate voice behind Hip Diggs, where he explores the art of living simply and intentionally. With a keen eye for minimalism and its profound impact on our lives, Dan delves into topics ranging from decluttering spaces to decluttering the mind. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep appreciation for the minimalist ethos, he offers readers practical insights and actionable steps to embrace a more meaningful, clutter-free life. When he's not penning down his thoughts on Hip Diggs, Dan enjoys the serenity of nature, reading, and exploring the nuances of simple living in a complex world.

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