Simple Goal Setting: Let’s Start The Year Right

Each year, I set a few goals. I prefer simple goal setting rather than going big. Often, I see people trying to change the world in a day. That won’t work. If you overdo your goals, you’re more likely to fall short and give up. Let’s start the year with simple goals.

There’s an online trend I’ve noticed. There are dozens of bloggers all trying to convince you that you should quit your day job. 

That’s right. Quit your day job.

There’s a problem with this kind of mentality. It’s an all-or-nothing approach. I’d be willing to bet you that 99% of all who set out to be online entrepreneurs fail. Why? Because it’s too lofty a goal. It’s the ones who promote these ideas who are making all the profit. 

Don’t Quit Your Day Job!

Do you really think you’ll be able to simplify your life if you take the fast track? Think about it. You have to pay the bills. That means you have to keep your day job while you study and work to create your new business.

That’s going to make life twice as complicated. The answer doesn’t lie in working harder so that you can quit your day job. The answer lies in learning to simplify the life you’re currently living.

When you simplify your current life, you begin to create time and space to develop your plan. Remember the old saying, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Instead of trying to work harder to make money, find ways to simplify life.

Simple Goal Setting Leads To Less Stress

I’d like to challenge you to set goals in the following areas:

  1. Find ways to minimize the time you spend at work: I work as a college professor. Over the years, I’ve developed ways to spend less time at work. I’ve created curriculum that makes my job easier while benefitting my students more. I don’t waste time online in my office. I don’t volunteer myself for extra work. Streamline your work as much as you can. Your job will become less stressful.  
  2. Consider ways you can delete a few monthly bills: Each year, I study my financial status. I’m always able to find ways to cut out some of the excess. Last year, I deleted Sirius radio. I also was able to pay off two credit cards in full. Now my outgoing is a couple hundred less per month. Budgeting eases financial stress. 
  3. Make a point to spend less time using media: I make a point to limit TV and social media. They’re both time suckers. You’ll find more peace and tranquility with less media. The less time I spend online, (including reading all the stuff that others might consider helpful to becoming an online entrepreneur), the less busy I become. This gives me more time to build this blog.  
  4. Get rid of the material things you don’t need: Less stuff equals less expense. My goal is to downsize my home from 1200 square-feet to less than 1000 square-feet in a few years. I’ll lower my payment, taxes, and insurance. The more we downsize, the more time and energy we’ll have to build something great. It starts with simple goal setting. 

Be Okay With The Slow Road

Don’t push yourself. Accept the fact that becoming an overnight success is silly and unlikely. Start your journey by simplifying and you’ll begin to open up time and space to develop your passion. 

Quit my day job? Hell no!

Not only do I love what I do, but it’s my day job that will help me get to where I want to be. It just might take a few more years. My day job gives me the opportunity to save my money while I develop some residual income for retirement. That’s a win-win deal. I’ll be able to buy a smaller home outright when I retire while making a healthy online income. Instead of pushing, I start with simple goal setting.

Don’t fall for the lie that you can quit your job and become an online entrepreneur overnight. It will only complicate your life. Instead, find ways to simplify your existing life so that you’ll have more time and energy to work toward a happy and healthy future.

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Dan Erickson

Dan Erikson is the passionate voice behind Hip Diggs, where he explores the art of living simply and intentionally. With a keen eye for minimalism and its profound impact on our lives, Dan delves into topics ranging from decluttering spaces to decluttering the mind. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep appreciation for the minimalist ethos, he offers readers practical insights and actionable steps to embrace a more meaningful, clutter-free life. When he's not penning down his thoughts on Hip Diggs, Dan enjoys the serenity of nature, reading, and exploring the nuances of simple living in a complex world.

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