Category Minimalism

The heart of Hipdiggs, the Minimalism category delves deep into the philosophy and practice of minimalism. It explores the benefits of a minimalist lifestyle, offers practical tips for decluttering, and encourages thoughtful discussions about consumerism, simplicity, and finding happiness in less.

The Fine Line Of Monetizing Minimalism

How do minimalist blogs make a profit? In most cases, they don’t. It’s only the most popular minimalist blogs that monetize minimalism. It’s a fine line. Should we be monetizing minimalism? Or does that contradict the very nature of the movement?…

My Best Clothing Purchase Ever


Over the years I’ve bought a lot of clothes. I’ve never kept a closet stuffed full, but I’ve had my share of clothing. I’ve always tried to be a frugal shopper. I’ve shopped for deals. I’ve shopped at second-hand stores.…

5 Reasons To Support Your Local Music Scene


Buying the latest music from mega-stars is almost like saying, “I support overindulgence. I support big businesses that manipulate and corrupt the beauty of art. I support using hyped-up production techniques to cause widespread mania.” Why not support local music…