4 Ways To Gain Momentum On Your Minimalist Journey

Living a simple life is a goal. It’s also a daily habit. Goals and habits can be hard to make stick. So this post is really less about minimalism and more about sticking to any goal or habit. And sticking with something is how we gain momentum.

You might wonder why there’s a photo of a runner stretching on a post about how to gain momentum on your minimalist journey. It’s simple. The first phase of gaining momentum is being prepared. But we’ll get to that in a moment.

If you struggle with keeping your space uncluttered or letting go of unneeded items, it’s not your desire to live simple that’s holding you back. It’s something bigger. No, it’s not your motivation either. It’s bigger. It’s creating and sticking to a new habit. Like exercise, diet, or learning a new skill, it takes intention.

1. Be Prepared To Gain Momentum

You don’t just start a new exercise program without being prepared. You need the right clothing. Finding the right place to exercise is also important. And stretching is probably a good idea. Preparing yourself is a form of intention.

If you want to become more of a minimalist, you have to have intention. Prepare yourself mentally for what a simple life consists of. Write down the things you’d like to simplify in your life. When you write things down that you intend to follow through with, you are much more likely to follow through.

2. Start Small And Take Baby Steps

Here’s why many people fail at developing new habits. They try to change everything in a day. That’s not realistic. I’m an on-again-off-again runner. After months of not running, I don’t just go out and run 10 miles. That would be foolish. Instead, I run half a mile. Then I’ll add a little distance every few days. After a few weeks, I’ll be back up to a couple miles. Running 10 miles might take a few months.

It’s the same with minimalism. The best way to start simplifying your life is to start with the least threatening room in your house. Don’t start with the hardest space to tackle. That might feel overwhelming and you’ll be more likely to give up. Take baby steps, but keep walking.

3. Gain Momentum Through Visualization

One reason successful people are always moving forward is that they visualize successful outcomes. You’ll make more swishes if you visualize the ball swishing through the basket before you shoot. Take time to see the minimalist life you want to live. You may not get there overnight. But having a vision will get you there in time.

I see myself living in a smaller space with half of the things I own today. However, it’s not practical in my current situation as a single parent to live that minimally. But having that visual will lead to the slow changes it will take to reach my goals. And I’ll be sharing the big changes with you in real time when I make them.

4. Consistency Is Key

Last week, I wrote about karate. When I was younger, I looked at people with black belts with awe. I thought it took something that I didn’t have to become that good at anything. But it’s easy to gain momentum and get a black belt if you consistently train. 

So it is with anything you intentionally set out to do. Remember, we started out by preparing with intention. We have to keep that intention. If you truly want to live a minimalist lifestyle, you have to practice.

This practice is as much mental as it is physical. Yes, removing things we don’t need is important. But that’s only half of the equation. For me, minimalism is also about making practical decisions. I spend much more time considering ways to live more simply than I do physically getting rid of stuff.

Consistently reminding ourselves of our goals will help us to follow through in the long run.

I’ve written a few ebooks that might help you on your simple living journey. Check them out at Amazon.


Dan Erickson

Dan Erikson is the passionate voice behind Hip Diggs, where he explores the art of living simply and intentionally. With a keen eye for minimalism and its profound impact on our lives, Dan delves into topics ranging from decluttering spaces to decluttering the mind. Drawing from personal experiences and a deep appreciation for the minimalist ethos, he offers readers practical insights and actionable steps to embrace a more meaningful, clutter-free life. When he's not penning down his thoughts on Hip Diggs, Dan enjoys the serenity of nature, reading, and exploring the nuances of simple living in a complex world.

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